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Product Sales & Sign Installations

SPT's professional sales department works closely with every individual client giving them superior personal attention throughout their projects. It's especially important to  explain all the benefits from costs, installations, to the economics that our products offer, unmatched in the industry. Our sign infrastructures can add incredible value to the facilities and properties they inhabit and support our client's company brand. Our post systems are so innovative, it is important to convey how they work to our customers. SPT has a full service installation team that takes great pride in the quality of our installations. We get it right the first time, guaranteeing our installs, making it right for our clients....  We are creating a whole new niche in the enhance regulatory signage industry, until now was nonexistent. At SPT we are perfecting our art like no one else and enjoying everyday doing so...

Children's Mercy Kansas
Webster House
City of Mission Hills, KS
Ward Parkway Shopping Center
McDonald's USA
Children's Mercy Hospital-Gillham
Sign Infrastructure Design & Consulting

One of the most important aspects of our business is to create safe and user-friendly sign infrastructures that protects our clients'  customer's safety, and to make their visit to our clients' facilities as user-friendly as possible. Many times,  little  effort is put into the design of a sign's infrastructure for a facility. It is not unusual to see a last-minute rush to throw some signs in to get that last minute CO, or meet a project deadline. What many are not aware of is that if the public has free access to a private facility, just as the public sectors, that facility must be in compliance to the MUTCD regulations. Failing to meet these MUTCD regulations will result in the property owner being liable  for damages. Our design team assures all our projects meet MUTCD regulations, giving our clients the peace of mind regarding the safety for their customers.


Given that each facility has its unique traffic flow needs, our design team observes these patterns for each facility in the field to better our designs for a safer, more  user-friendly experience.


Many of our clients have multiple locations, we a sure in our designs to keep all location's design standards the same. Doing this helps promote and create unity to all their facilities, while superbly supporting our customer's brand. 

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ADA Compliance Consulting

Another important aspect of our projects involves meeting ADA standards for parking and accessibility. Concretely, this involves: Verifying whether a project is in compliance with 

the latest regulations, assessing the number of parking spaces in a facility, and determining 

the required ratio to ADA parking, including the required van-accessible parking. 

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Sign Maintenance & Repair

Unfortunately, due to the close proximity to vehicles, regulatory signage can be an issue. Mostly likely, a small percentage of sign units will become damaged during their lifetime, and this is where our post systems leave the competition behind.


If a unit is damaged in any way, we simply remove the square channel - post interior from the telescoping anchor and rebuild the post unit on a new square channel post. In most cases, only a few parts of the exterior posts are damaged, leaving a small percentage of parts in need of replacement. The result: very low costs in repairs in the shortest amount of down time. Present architectural sign - post products are simply buried in a concrete post footing. Practically, when they are damaged, it is both time consuming and expensive to repair. We are the industry's leader in cost -- effective sign repairs.

Maintenance can also involve adjustments or additions to our existing projects. If a sign unit should need relocation for any reason, it's no problem at all. How many times have you seen a facility with multiple styles of sign posts when additional signage was needed? Not so attractive! When our clients need to add sign units in the future, every sign unit will be seamlessly integrated with the existing sign units.


Repairs are a breeze

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HOA Sign Programs

SPT works directly with Home Owner Associations to create more attractive streetscapes within their communities. We work together with both the HOA's and the city governments, so that both organizations fully understand each others responsibilities. 

'Name Your Street' Auction Program

We proudly support organizations that have yearly fund raising auctions where they offer the chance for their supporters to bid on 'Naming Your Street' or reserve a 'Private- Parking' space for a year. This item on the auction block in the past has brought a lot of excitement and generated much needed revenue for our organizations.


We offer a special discounted start-up rate, and we take care of all of the rest. When the next year's auction winner is announced, we install the new signs and the existing signs are returned  to the previous winner to keep as keepsakes to use however they would like.



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